Sunday, June 9, 2013

Going on splits with an Area Authority!

5/20/2013 - 6/5/2013

 I had the coolest experiance this week!!!! I got to teach with a member of the quorum of the seventy!!!!!! The assistants called me and my comp and said hey , we are suppose to let you know president needs you to have a lesson at 7:00. And we are like ok.... why? Because a quorum member of the seventy wants to go out and teach with some missionaries and president said call you guys haha. Coolest experiance ever. !!!!!!!! Once in a lifetime chance! SO awesome !! We both freaked out haha.

Elder Rider with newly called Area Authority - Daniel F. Dunnigan

Cooking Smores - Can you see how it's done in the mission field? (hint, look at the stove!)

Humbly accepting the Silver medal in FHE "Obstacle" course

This week has been filled with opportunities of Listening for the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Taking those moments of silence during teaching lessons and also in the daily routine of things to know what to do. I’ve been sooooo blessed out here . The Lord is watching over me. And from the looks of things is watching over you all!:) I’m sooo happy for that . My comp leaves today and a get a new comp wed. I’m not training this transfer but I’m staying in fishers for 6 more weeks . And since ill be in the same appt , the zone leaders are coming to live with me and my new comp. Bunch of exciting stuff.

Giving Service!!

The weeks really do just fly by sooo fast! This past week was an awesome week. Many special experiences and testimony builders. My comp goes home in a few days so i had to lead out this past week . It was an amazing experience we taught more lessons than any other week! I was so excited. This weekend though, he got really turnkey and so its sometimes hard to focus, but I can’t imagine how he’s feeling. I just have to keep chugging along. Doing the awesome work the Lord has called me to do.

Sometimes a testimony can be just as powerful as an experience would be! You’ve taught me so much and am grateful for all of it! … I look forward to the day when I can stand not only next to my Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ . …He’s defiantly given me a lot of peace during the times when I’m worrying about home.  I love you all so much.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The work has commenced!

The work has commenced!


I know its crazy !! People were not lying when they said time flys on a mission! Wow sounds like all the teams are doing great!! 11-0 HAHAH I remember those days. Is it getting pretty hot there ??? Like 90's ? Its stayed fairly cool here but humidity is starting to get more and more involved. Its funny your lesson was on that ! This week I've been struggling so much with I need to learn tons of stuff and think i need to learn it all at once!! Truly inspired dad :) Its not that God has asked to be perfect but to work towards perfection:) I love the Savior and my Heavenly Father for giving us families and tools , prayer , scripture etc!! Our progressing investigators are doing very well and we picked up another one, Marvin Rooks. Hes 72 and blind, very sweet guy. We committed Melvin Smith to Baptism. It will be on June 1st . Ben and Julia went camping this weekend but are reading the Book Of Mormon everyday and praying:) SOOOO awesome!! 

General Conference: Ive never been more excited in my life than Saturday and Sunday. Such wonderful talks . Haha i took a ton of notes too!!   I loved all of the talks especially the ones about how we ALL have been put on this earth to share the Gospel and invite people unto Christ. That is a big thing missions are trying to instill in wards throughout the world . God is hastening his work!! Being out here is such a sacred and divine thing , like you said that loaf of bread ( The Gospel) People are starving for it . We have another progressing investigator as of last night. We walked in , first visit , and were doing how to begin teaching and she told us that she believes in the Holy Ghost, Prophets , And described to us the Plan of Salvation before we even talked about any of it !!!! My mouth was wide open. We taught her the restoration and gave her a Book Of Mormon and asked her to read and pray about what we had taught using Moroni's promise 10;3-5. And she was so excited. The Lord prepares people for us ALL as we live the commandments and pray for those opportunities. I've been learning soooo many lessons i wish i could tell them all to you its so amazing and such a testimony builder to me. Ive been keeping a separate journal for these lessons that I've been learning , so one day we can sit down i can share them. And then as Alma said " He who giveth and he who receives may sit down and understand and rejoice" Hahha something like that. I love it so much out here. Its so wonderful.
The couple that your talking about , yes they are progressing! We will be meeting with them again this week. They watched Conference as well!! He isn't progressing as fast as she is ,( weird i know) but they both want to end up in the Church again. Our goal is for them to get married and then have him baptize her :) 
I'm doing fantastic , and loving and cherishing every moment out here. Yes there have been days where I feel so close to Heaven and others like I'm dying, but Its amazing the blessings Ive received from your guy's prayers and also living those principles of the Gospel, Faith in Jesus Christ , Repentance , Keeping my Baptismal covenants and temple ones, and enduring to the end. I am definitely starting to see the fruits of our labors out here. There is a strong presence of the Spirit growing in Fishers as well as In me . We haven't had too much success in getting progressing investigators lately. We had been studying real hard,praying diligently and being obedient . Last night we had the chance to teach a young family . The Dad is a long time inactive and the mom is a nonmember. The Spirit was soo strong as we shared an Easter message of the Atonement and how it is so important and necessary during this life. They both felt the wonderful effects of the Spirit and have asked us to come back. To teach the restoration and then the Plan Of Salvation. What a wonderful joy it is to see the light of Christ starting to glow in their eyes as the Spirit teaches them. There is no other thing that Id rather be doing . I will definitely read Mormon 9 !! I'm in the middle of Alma but i can jump ahead ;) That is so true , Satan is ever so trying to discourage me . Ive come to learn a little , that If we lay that burden at the Saviors feet after enduring it well Satan has no power over us. God protects us with his armor as we live and act on the principles we know to be true. Ive come to feel my Heavenly Father working through me , shaping and molding me out here. To one day be a husband , and father and a tool in his hand so that this work will increase .

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Welcome to Indiana!


I got your letters today! It's good to hear from you guys. Its been crazy here getting settled. Just a bit of info first - My preparation day is Mondays. So this upcoming Monday I will be sending an email and some pics.  Also, I'm in a town called Fishers and I'm in the Fishers 1st Ward - very small area and a very hard area because it just got split and me and my comp are starting from scratch!  So these first couple of days have been rough! An empty area book and no ward roster, but we've started to make some progress. We have 2 potential investigators and that's it. We've put in about 30 hours or so. The members of the ward are very nice though, and we we are being fed.  I gave a blessing today and taught 2 lessons to member families.  Trust me it has gotten better from 2 days ago.  I love this mission, its teaching me so much and draining me in every way possible. I go to bed with no regrets of the day and wake up with a will to work.  My comp is awesome! As soon as he is done training me he leaves for home. I'm not sure what the Lord has planned for me but I'm working to find out. Oh! and a new rule was announced - we can email friends!!!!...I love the Gospel.....I love you all. 

Elder Rider


"I'm doing awesome. Its been the greatest six days of my life . My first companion is awesome. His name is Elder Mortenson , he leaves after hes done training me !! haha And I have thought about that , Why would the Lord put me here. After all Its one of the hardest areas and its brand new. We started with no referrals no area book or ward roster so the first two days were very hard . But I've loved every second of it. The comfort I feel from getting on my knees and praying to my Heavenly Father for guidance is amazing . To walk and talk with people and have an instant love for them is unreal . We are so blessed to have this Gospel in our lives which makes missionary work that much more important. We now have a new investigator  and two potentials and a couple former's  The area is starting to blow up as we recognize the Lords hand in it. I feel your guys prayers everyday and of your love for me. I've never felt so close to those im so far away from. Heavenly Father is real , And Jesus is the Christ. And through Faith all things are made possible,...My comp said , " Why am I training you , you seem to know this stuff like you've been doing it forever." haha I humbled myself and said " I don't do anything, " The Spirit does. He teaches me ." If we have the Faith of a mustard seed , how much is made possible. My P day is on Mondays! . I love you soo much and miss you all. I pray for you day and night. Two nights ago I actually fell asleep while praying. I guess i was tired hahah ..."
Love Your Son , Elder Rider

 Tracking Elder Rider's flight to Indiana. 

 Elder Mortenson - First Companion and Trainer

This week was a week of Faith testing and building. Full of disappointments and discouragement. It took a lot of searching and prayer to get back to being filled with the pure love of Christ for those who close their doors on you. And then my comp Elder Mortensen got sick for two days. So we weren't able to go anywhere haha. But as I studied and learned of Christs love for me and my purpose as a missionary. I found it easier to bear those burdens until you are able to drop them at our Saviors feet when we trust in him and have faith that through him all things are made possible. No I'm not sick I'm doing great, Spiritually , Mentally , Physically exhausted but am growing from it. Its amazing I read a scripture the other day . " Let men rise up out of the dust and have faith that the chains can break and rise up " Something to that effect and then " Put childish things away and become men" I'm starting to understand why I'm here and am recognizing the wonderful blessings from it...

Elder Rider

Picture sent to Elder Rider's parents from a member family's home in Indiana during a dinner appointment. Elder Rider was on exchange with another missionary- Elder Combs. 

"We were delighted to have Elder Combs and Elder Rider in our home to share a meal with us this evening.  Elder Rider is on an exchange with Elder Combs today while Elder Rider's companion is on an exchange with Elder Fausett.

Thank you for your missionaries!

Frank & Lexi Merrill
Indianapolis Second Ward "

The MTC Experience

First Letter from the MTC

" I am writing first because we are not able to use computers for a week, and there are so many missionaries. I have only been here one day and my Testimony is growing. It has been a very hard, long day but the Spirit is here. D&C 42:6  - I have been called to a work. It is great in the eyes of the Lord and is ever so needed. My companions are great! They are 6'6" and 6'7". They are really strong spirits. 

I will send pictures and an email when I can. I love and miss you guys. Be safe and put your heart and trust in your Heavenly Father. He loves you and all his children....."

 Excited to Serve!
Assigned 2  very very tall companions! 

Arizona friends reunited!
A message to all...!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Farewell - Days of Special Moments

On Sunday, February 24, 2013 Kendall gave his "Farewell" talk at Church  in his Mesa AZ home ward. It was a wonderful talk. The spirit was really strong. His talk was on missionary work and shared part of Pres. Monson's talk on "Seeing People not as the are but as they may become." He spoke on how we are all Heavenly Father's children and that "People can Change!" This was a special moment!

There were several special  friends from the area who came to support Kendall and wish him good luck! Another Special moment!

On Monday, February 25, 2013 family and friends met for the last time before being set apart as a full-time missionary at The Cheesecake Factory!  Good food and great company - it was a great time and another special moment.

On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 Kendall was set apart as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by President Bert Whimpey and assisted by Kendall's father.
Congratulations Elder Rider!
 This was a special moment. After Elder Rider was set apart Pres. Whimpey asked Elder Rider to share his testimony with his family - this was to be the first testimony he bore as a full-time missionary. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. This was truly a personal and sacred special moment!!

On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Elder Rider left his home and family in Arizona and headed to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo UT.  Everyone felt reassured and at peace looking in to each other's eyes and saying goodbye for two years. Yep, you guessed it, another special moment.

Elder Rider - He's on his way!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mission Call

Elder Kendall Rider's Mission

October 14, 2012 - Kendall received the Melchizedek Priesthood

November 23, 2012 - Mission Call Received

Indiana Indianapolis Mission

Happy, Excited, and Eager!!!!